Have you ever wanted a more meaningful way to celebrate the most holy week of the year? We have put together a retreat for Catholics of all ages and stages to come together in fellowship to observe the Triduum --Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday morning. It will be a time to get away from the busyness of life and spend time in prayer, worship, and observance of some of our Catholic traditions. It will also be a time to just relax, and engage in conversation with other Catholics and your own family. All meals will be provided including a Passover Seder, 2 smaller Good Friday meals of soup, salad, and Hot Cross Buns, breakfast Saturday morning, and a picnic lunch! Activities will involve a Way of the Cross, a Seder meal with explanation, making Psanky eggs or other egg dying, music, adoration in the "garden", crafts, hikes, and more. We will have lots of lodging options, including a commuter package for locals. Contact us about extra nights. |