1) Maintenance Assistant
Full or Part-time. This person will help our full-time maintenance person with daily upkeep of the retreat center, landscaping, and various building/remodeling projects. Must be strong and able-bodied to be able to lift heavy loads, use yard machinery, and work outside on most days. Experience is helpful, but not necessary. Must have a willing-to-learn spirit. Pay will be commensurate to experience and other compensations we can provide like housing. 2) Cleaning Host
Full or Part-time. This person will assist with the upkeep of the houses, meeting spaces, kitchen, and lodge at Heart Ridge. It involves changing the sheets and towels as well as general cleaning. Experience is helpful, but not necessary. Must have a willing-to-learn spirit. Pay will be commensurate to experience and other compensations we can provide like housing. 3) Cook
Part-time cook during the year, but can be full-time over the summer. The cook will prepare and serve the meals to the retreatants on most weekends during the year. Depending on experience, the cook will either take complete charge of the kitchen or be an assistant to the current cook. Summer during the camps requires 3 meals a day during the week and assistance will be provided for the summer and for larger groups. Must have experience in a kitchen with large groups. Pay will be commensurate to experience and other compensations we can provide like housing. |