Paula UmanaPaula Umana will be giving 2 separate keynotes: one in English and one in Spanish. She is a former professional tennis player, (awarded the #1 tennis player in her country of origin, Costa Rica, and Central America.) a Catholic mother of five children and wife to Dr. Serge Sautré, french Chiropractor. After her 5th childbirth, she suddenly became sick due to a nervous system disorder called CIDP which left her quadriplegic.
Paula is an award-winning Athlete , Business Woman, Speaker, and TV Host who has been featured at the Eucharistic Congress this year and on various TV shows including news at Univision , and EWTN Bookmark, Nuestra Fe en vivo and at Home with Jim and Joy on EWTN. Her enthusiasm for the faith and her story of hope will entertain and more importantly encourage us in our own faith journeys. Her keynote is titled: From Hurt to Hope |
Monica's keynote title is: Dare to Hope
Monica Herber is a wife, mom, and a Certified Catholic Life & Marriage Coach. After a powerful encounter with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, 20 years ago, Monica reverted to Catholicism, left behind a career in acting, married her best friend Nathan, and dedicated her life to ministry. In 2015, after 7 years of struggling with infertility, they adopted their son, Caiden, who was eventually diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other medical complexities. Through the painful adjustment of becoming a mother of a child with disabilities, Monica discovered the power of acceptance through Christ’s cross. Now, she coaches Christians who struggle to thrive when life doesn’t go as planned, helping them find new joy and purpose in their “setbacks”. In 2024, she piloted her original course, Carry Your Cross Not Your Baggage, teaching Catholics how to eliminate unnecessary pain from their struggles by harnessing the joyful purpose of their unburdened cross. Monica is a resident faculty member of The Metanoia Catholic Academy; she helps train students to become Certified Catholic Mindset Coaches and leads workshops helping catholic leaders become more effective in their ministries. She is also a parishioner of St. Mary Magdalene in Simpsonville, SC, where she serves as coordinator and parent coach to The Little Margaret Program, which prepares children with intellectual disabilities to receive the sacraments. To learn how you can work with Monica, visit
Fr. Rhett Williams is a native of Charleston, SC . He attended Furman University, graduating in 2007 with a double major in History and Spanish, before spending a little over three years in El Salvador with the Peace Corps. After Peace Corps, he ran the Drexel House in Charleston and worked in the Vocations Office. After attending seminary, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Charleston on June 8, 2018. He served at Mary Magdalene Church in Simpsonville for 2 years. He then became the Administrator of St. Thomas More Catholic Church and Newman Center and Catholic Chaplain to the University of South Carolina. He currently is the Vocations Director for the diocese. Fr. Williams also serves as Catholic Chaplain for the following: Kirkland Correctional Institute (men) and Camille Graham Correctional Institution (women), MUSC Health Columbia Medical Center Downtown, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Fr. Williams loves to play all kinds of sports, especially pick up basketball and is a big South Carolina Gamecocks football and baseball fan, while admitting to following Duke basketball. We are so honored that he will closing our 2025 Belonging Conference with the Vigil Mass. |
Lisa Buss
Daily Prayer: A simple guide to encountering Christ:
Learn the basics of settling into a daily prayer time with The Lord. Lisa Buss is Director of the Marian Servants of the Holy Face of Jesus and a certified spiritual drector. The Marian Servants strive to live a life of holiness, obedience, and humble servanthood. She has been leading and guiding others in daily prayer since 2016 through direction and retreats.
Kristen West McGuire
Kicking the Demon of Self-Pity Out of Your Home
If you are burned out by your caregiving responsibilities, this is the talk for you. Bring your frustrations and your fears to this session, and let's talk about freedom. Kristen believes that self-pity is a demon, and we can invite Christ to help us take back our day. "For freedom Christ has set us free!" (Gal 5:1) Tap into the gently overflowing cup of grace. A little pencil. And a big mouth. Punctuated by prayer. Kristen West McGuire is a mother of eight young adults and former Methodist seminarian who swam the Tiber in 1990. She’s been a research associate, an autism services aide, an executive director for a non-profit, an event planner, and even a chaplain at a mental institution! Today, she is a fundraising consultant and runs My Secret is Mine, a small Catholic press. Find her online at
Hermana Migdalia Flores Marrero
Hermana Migdalia Flores Marrero
ítulo del Taller: Estilo de Vida de Jesús Nuestra tarjeta de identidad, como cristianas, es seguir el estilo de vida de Jesús viviendo las bienaventuranzas. Nuestra Madre María es fiel testigo del cumplimiento de ellas. Descubramos la senda del verdadero amor, lidiando con todas estas circunstancias que vivimos en nuestras vidas, descubramos la verdadera Felicidad viviendo las bienaventuranzas La Hermana Migdalia nació en Bridgeport, Connecticut, en el Hospital Saint Vicent. En ese momento, el hospital estaba bajo el cuidado de las Hijas de la Caridad y veinte años más tarde, se unió a la misma comunidad de hermanas que la recibió al nacer. Nacida en una familia puertorriqueña, se mudó a Puerto Rico cuando tenía doce años y regresó a Nueva York para completar el noveno grado en Queens. Actualmente, coordina el Ministerio de Trabajadores Agrícolas Migrantes de la Diócesis de Charleston en Carolina del Sur. La hermana Meggie dice: “Cuando miro a un migrante, veo a un Dios que migra, me veo a mí misma. Veo a la humanidad, veo la creación evolucionar, veo la historia de nuestra Iglesia, de la Compañía y mi historia personal. El universo está en constante migración. Por eso creo: "Todos somos migrantes”. e-mail: [email protected] |
Amber Curtis
Getting Things Done with God: How to Work from PEACE, Not Pressure:
Feel like it’s never enough? Today’s toxic productivity culture puts immense pressure on women to perform and ties your self-worth to how much you accomplish. No more! Come learn how to better honor your God-given time and talents so you can get the RIGHT things done in a more joyful, fulfilling, and sustainable way. Dr. Amber Curtis is a professor, productivity coach, and faith-filled mom of four. After getting suicidal from the pressure to “do it all”, she’s spent years researching what’s scientifically shown to help you live a simpler, more purposeful life. She helps overwhelmed women understand how beautifully God designed their brains and bodies so they can work WITH (instead of against) them to do more, stress less, and be happier. Website: YouTube:
Instagram: |
Hermana Azucena del Carmen González Loyo hmig
Como mujeres, nuestro propósito es encarnar el poder transformador del amor divino en nuestras relaciones y comunidades, tal como nos enseña la encíclica “Dilexit Nos". La Hermana Azucena del Carmen González Loyo nació el 14 de enero en el Distrito Federal / Ciudad México. Es Hija de María Inmaculada de Guadalupe con 18 años de vida consagrada.Su formación académica incluye una Maestría en Docencia de la Universidad de Desarrollo Empresarial y Pedagógico de México, DF, y una licenciatura en Pedagogía de la universidad Paccioli de Córdoba Veracruz, México. La Hermana Azucena ha completado varios diplomados como Identidad de la Familia Guadalupana Plancartina, Los Sacramentos según el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica; cada uno de ellos con una duración de 120 horas. Actualmente es Coordinadora de Formación de la Fe a Adultos Hispanos, en la Diócesis de Charleston Carolina del Sur, en el área de Pastoral Litúrgica.
e-mail:[email protected] |
Kaitlyn Curtin
Theology (is) For Amateurs:
When we are busy reaching for grace in our everyday lives, "theology" can seem unnecessary or even needlessly confusing. Is it best left to clerics and scholars, or can academic theology actually feed our spirituality and help us live out our faith? Kaitlyn Curtin teaches in many contexts - K-8, high school, college, homeschool, and online. She lives in the Upstate with her family. She holds graduate degrees in Theological Studies and in Education from the University of Notre Dame, a place where she saw both the promise and peril of theological scholarship.
Laryn Weaver
Catholic Prophecy and the Current Geopolitical Climate:
A glimpse into how approved Catholic revelation and prophecies speak to current world events. Laryn is a coach for Catholic women. Her vocation is to help others have a deep understanding of their eternal worth through detachment from the world and abandonment to Christ. Laryn is a wife of 31 years, a mom of four, and the author of four books. Her latest blessings are the four grandbabies who add abundantly to her gratitude! Find out more about Laryn and the services she offers at
Hermana Floredh Islas Arámburo hmig
Título del Taller: ¿Qué tan cerca esta Dios de ti?
Te invito a participar en esta charla para descubrir juntas el amor tierno y misericordioso de Jesús, manifestado en sus gestos y acciones, que nos harán experimentar a un Dios vivo y cercano en nuestra vida. La Hermana Floredh Islas Arámburo nació el 13 de agosto en Tulancingo Hidalgo, México. Es la penúltima de 4 hermanos, y le encanta disfrutar la vida. Tiene 29 años de vida religiosa, en la Congregación de Hijas de María Inmaculada de Guadalupe. Es muy feliz de ser religiosa misionera. Por la gracia de Dios ha obtenido una Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar, la Maestría en Psicopedagogía y varios diplomados como Profesionalización del Docente, Los Cristianos frente a los Nuevos Desafíos Globales y Gestión de Calidad, entre algunos, que le han permitido fortalecer su labor evangelizadora y docente. En este momento está estudiando un diplomado Certificado en el Ministerio Intercultural, en la Universidad Mexican American Catholic College en Sant Antonio Texas, EU. La Hermana Floredh es miembro del programa del intercambio de Religiosas Hispanas de Catholic Extension de E. U. Actualmente trabaja con el Ministerio Hispano en la Parroquia de San Andrés Myrtle Beach, y con Caridades Católicas en Carolina del Sur en la Diócesis de Charleston.
Sr. Regina
St Therese and the Glory of the Last Days:
St Therese read a book on the End Times which inspired her to become a fearless Saint with a mission to love God and make Him loved -- discover the insights which fueled her life of self-gift and renew your own capacity to love and be loved Sr. Regina is a member of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Peace, a semi-contemplative monastery in the foothills of NC. As a former protestant convert who grew up Baptist and then, after having been led to the Catholic Church through an encounter with the Blessed Mother, discerned a vocation with a cloistered Carmelite monastery for 3 years before becoming a Benedictine, she draws on her experiences of prayer, faith and her formation in relgious life to share the spiritual wealth of the Church with others. Find out more about the Benedictines of Mary Queen of Peace and the QOP Sisters at
Mandy Mazzawi
Finding God at the Altar of Home: Passing on the Legacy of our Faith in Everyday Life
You probably don’t think of your home as a kind of altar, I know I didn’t for a long time. Yet, the act of homemaking is about the strengthening and nourishment of souls who reside within the home. It’s about establishing a legacy and passing on an inheritance of faith, tradition, and love. It’s about glorifying God. Over the years Mandy has worn many hats, from science policy to non-profit advocacy, but by far her favorite roles have been being mom to her 3 kids, wife to her husband Joe, and a writer inviting readers into the incredible beauty, truth, and goodness of our faith found in ordinary life. Her work can be found at: , , and on Instagram at
Theresa Kiser
My Dream Funeral: Writing the Document that You Don't Want to Die Without
There are many practical things that need to be done after a person dies. In this workshop, we'll work on writing down our individual wishes for vigil, funeral, and burial so that your survivors won't have the stress of guessing what you'd like during that important time. Come find out about which choices the Catholic Church approves and which options are available in South Carolina, both mainstream and alternative. In a supportive and informed environment, we can each get this document started or finished so we can move forward in the life we've been given. (Document template will be provided.) Theresa Kiser is the author of Caring for a Loved One with Mary: A Seven Sorrows Prayer Companion, and several books for children including the Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server series. Find her online at
Kathleen Billings
Liturgical Living: Weaving the Faith into the Fabric of the Home
Through engaging stories and examples from real life, liturgical living, this workshop will not only give you practical tools for cultivating the faith in your domestic church, it will further inspire you to create a beautiful tapestry through the day-to-day ordinary moments lived extraordinarily through the lens of liturgical living. Kathleen Billings is a national Catholic speaker and an award-winning author. Her and her husband Troy have five children, one son-in-law, and 4 souls in Heaven. She resides with her family on their 5 acre homestead in Simpsonville.
Kathleen writes for Catholic Mom, WINE- Women in the New Evangelization, and has a blog entitled “Two to Tango” in the For Your Marriage section of the USCCB Website. She is also a contributing author to the book, Amazing Grace for Mothers, (Ascension Press) and Called by Name - 365 Daily Devotions for Catholic Women, (Ave Maria Press.) Kathleen and her husband Troy are the co-authors of the award winning book Simply Love: Catholic Marriage Day by Day, - published by Our Sunday Visitor and released in February 2023. |
Beth Diedrick
In All Circumstances: A Crash Course on Trusting in God's Plan for Your Life
Do you feel like no matter what you do, plans never seem to go right? We all have heard the prayerful phrase, "Jesus take the wheel!". Here is a real life approach to allowing God fully into your life in every circumstance. Beth is a simple woman who strives to for holiness. Her most important role is wife to her husband of 18 years and mother to their four children. She offers life experiences and her personal growth in our beautiful faith to help others obtain a better knowledge of God's love for each of us; and how important it is for all of us to develop an intimate connection with the Holy Trinity. She is the owner and creator of Faithful Family Farm LLC. You can contact her for product information at [email protected].
Adelaide Kiser
Caring For Your Health Is Caring For Others: A practical guide to physical health & fitness
Health and Fitness are topics that come with a lot of baggage for many women. In an age where misinformation sells books, workout videos and diet guides, it is hard to know just where to start and what you should let your motivation be. In this workshop, we will discuss healthy ways to think about your body and you will leave with a practical guide to taking care of the basics of your physical health which will not only help you navigate your own fitness, but the online propaganda as well! Adelaide is Personal Trainer and Nutritionist with AFL Coaching in Greenville, SC, and a former competition body-builder. She is a convert to the Catholic Faith and is expecting her first baby in May. Website:
Julie Hryniewicz
The Power of the Pen: Journaling Skills for a Lifetime of Growth:
In this hands on workshop, discover how putting pen to paper can transform your mental well-being and foster personal growth. Learn practical techniques to incorporate journaling into your daily routine and how it can become an important tool in helping you to flourish Julie is a proud member of Catholic Psychotherapy Association and is thrilled to offer individuals, couples, and families an integrative approach to mental health counseling at Pax Therapy Solutions
Meghan Pillow
Walking with the Hemorrhaging Woman: Creighton Model can do more than teach women how to chart
Matthew, Mark and Luke all include the story of the hemorrhaging woman in their gospels. According to Mark, the woman bled for 12 years and she spent all her money on doctors but was not healed. Does that not sound like many women today with their menstrual health issues - whether that be heavy bleeding, pain, irregular cycles, puberty, pre-menopause, premenstrual symptoms (PMS), miscarriages, or infertility? Perhaps the hemorrhaging woman is meant to remind all women that God walks with us in our struggles with their menstrual health and fertility. Meghan is a family nurse practitioner working for Bon Secours Mercy Health. She practiced as a nurse since 2008 in critical care and college health as well as a family nurse practitioner since 2021 in college health, occupational health and primary care. She is currently an intern at the Saint Paul VI Institute in the dual program (fertility care practitioner and medical consultant). She enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids, biking, swimming, reading, listening to podcasts, and baking sourdough.
Tami Kiser
Catholic Hospitality: the Unreasonable, Unexpected, and Radical approach to Practicing and Spreading Our Faith
What can Will Guidara, co-producer of the Bear and co-owner of a 5-star restaurant in NYC, Walt Disney, St Martha, St. Theresa of Calcutta, and St. Benedict teach Catholics about how to share their faith with others? Plenty. In a word, it’s hospitality. What are ways we can practice hospitality in our workplace, in our homes, and in our communities? (And some of these are very simple!) Tami Kiser practices Hospitality at Heart Ridge Retreat Center in the Carolina Mountains. She runs and organizes Catholic events and retreats. She's also a mom with an emptying nest and grandma to 11. She's speaks and writes for Catholic Women and Moms. Find her at and on The Heart Lines Podcast with her husband, Keith.
Victoria Modestti
Transformation through Transition: All that change adds up
We will all come up against a change in our lives, probably many. Whether they are surprise changes, planned-for deviations, or expected (although sneeky) steps in our movement through life; these transitions make for a lot of change. And all this change makes actually changing very difficult. Sounds like a riddle, right? We will explore the route through transition to real transformation; applying our Faith to how we live, and love, in our daily lives. Ultimately, opening our hearts to what God wants for us. Victoria is a life-long learner who craves sharing the acquisitions of her curiosity. She is a convert to the Catholic Faith and has been a parishioner of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Simpsonville since 2001. For much of that time she has been a member of Women’s Bible Study; and also enjoys lending a hand to the Confirmation program. Employing her strengths and talents, applying her gift of gab, and sprinkling in some humor; Victoria hopes to encourage others in their work towards transformation.
Michele Houmis
Recognizing Christ- After people encountered Jesus, their faith in him developed as they witnessed his exceptionality
Learn four exceptional characteristics of Jesus that will help you recognize him in your daily life. This is great for those involved in catechesis and religious education of all ages as well as someone seeking to deepen their certainty in Christ. Michele Houmis has had the privilege of communicating the faith at the parish, diocesan, and national level for the past 30 years ever since she graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a degree in Theology, and subsequently a masters at Providence College. She belongs to the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation and currently teaches theology at Saint Joseph’s Catholic School since 2007.
Chiara Braud
Encountering Mary in her Sorrows and Joys: Comfort, Hope, & Healing
Our good and gracious God created all of us in his image - IMAGO DEI. However, we live in a fallen world where we all carry burdens and wounds from a variety of painful and sometimes traumatic experiences. We all desire to be loved and find comfort and healing from our wounds. Join me to begin a walk with the Blessed Mother Mary in her sorrows and joys, restoring our true selves, finding hope and comfort, and reclaiming victory in a transformative love that heals. As a child, Chiara always imagined that she would one day be a school teacher. As providence would have it, Chiara has devoted her adult life to teaching the young in public, parochial, cottage, homeschool and church settings. In recent years, she has worked to help others to grow in their faith and identity as beloved children of God through catechesis and women’s prayer ministry. Chiara has been joyfully married to her husband Scott for 23 years. Their family includes one child in a convent, one in college, and 4 others still at home.
Kevin and Mary O'Neill
Typology, Typology, Typology: How to empower yourself to effectively pass on the Deposit of Fatih to evangelize your Domestic Church and in turn the whole world!
Do you wish you had the ability to share your faith more effectively? Do you believe, but are unsure how to explain your belief? Learn the key to passing on the Deposit of Faith effectively to your family (no matter their age!) to effectively evangelize your Domestic Church and in turn the world! Kevin and Mary O’Neill have been married for 23 years and are parents and primary educators of 9 children plus 7 souls in heaven. Together they are authors and illustrators of the award-winning Building Blocks of Faith Series including: The Holy Mass On Earth As It Is In Heaven, Catechism of the Seven Sacraments, A Pocket Guide to the Holy Rosary, A Pocket Guide to Sacramental Reconciliation, and A Pocket Guide to Stations of the Cross, all published by Sophia Institute Press, which can be found at
Maria Spears Mumaugh
Courageous Joy and Outrageous Hope in the Midst of Suffering
Do you ever feel like a victim to the painful things going on in your life? And while you know in your head that the Father is good, in your heart you struggle with trusting Him or knowing how to take a step forward with actual JOY? Join Maria as she shares her own vulnerable story of wrestling with the Father and coming out with couragous joy and outragous hope in the midst of suffering. You will walk away with an elevated experience of hope in who the Father is and super practical steps to begin living from a space of deeper freedom even in the midst of pain. Maria Spears Mumaugh is a Life and Mindset Coach for women, a speaker, musician, podcaster, and author. She is the co-founder of The Intentional Single, a company and ministry that seeks to equip women in devloping confidence, leveling up their relationships with men and thriving from the inside out in their single and dating years. Maria is also the co-founder of a band and women’s ministry, His Own, with Christine Wessa and Kara Oubre. She is the co-creator of the podcast "Thriving in the Space Between" and the co-author of a book called ‘The Mirror: 7 Steps to REFLECT the Life You Want which helps walk you through the process of co-creating a beautiful life with the Lord. Maria has traveled extensivly all over the US and Internationally speaking and playing music with various bands and for a variety of events such as World Youth Day, Youth 2000’s, NCYC and others. She has been featured on EWTN and has released 3 albums with her band and 1 solo project. She currently resides in South Carolina with her husband. Insta: @mariaspears
Lesly Temesvari
Beloved & Empowered: John Paul II’s Vision for Women: Join us for a review of John Paul II’s Letter to Women, where we’ll explore his profound gratitude for women and the Church’s role as a liberator, not oppressor, of women. We’ll uncover the historical context of women’s lives when Christ stepped onto the scene and how His message elevated their dignity. Through powerful examples of great Catholic women, we’ll see how the Church has championed women throughout history. Come read, reflect, and reclaim the truth about the feminine genius in God’s plan!
Lesly Temesvari is a wife, mother, and scientist, who lives in Piedmont, SC. She has conducted research on globally important infectious diseases for thirty years. She has been involved in catechesis through the R(O)CIA program in her parish for more than fifteen years and has facilitated day-long women’s retreats on such topics as Mary, Bioethics and the Church’s Teaching on Stem Cell Research, JPII's Letter to Women, and Redemptive Suffering.
Katrina Whitlinger
Catholic Values Investing for Women
Why we Invest, the role of money in our lives, client stories, behavioral Finance & managing a healthy perspective with what we can control, investing responsibly per Catholic values. Katrina Whitlinger has been working in the field of Finance for the past 15 years, and in the past 6 years she's called to help people with their financial goals & investing needs. She's currently an independent Investment Advisor with Broadstreet Global Advisors, whose custodian is with Charles Schwab. Katrina had a personal conversion a few years ago in her Catholic faith; and recently through 'His Way at Work' ministry, she decided to consecrate her financial advisory practice to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. "So far in my career, I can see over & over again His work, and how God connected me with people in my life today. All I have is His." Outside of helping people with their financial goals, she's a wife and a mom of two boys, Trey (12), and Rhys (10). Connect with me on Linkedin: ;or Facebook: