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Press Release A Free, Online Conference on Prayer for Women Featuring popular Catholic authors and speakers World Wide Web, Oct 7-13, 2019 During the week of October 7th (The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary) and ending October 13(Anniversary of the Miracle of Fatima) thousands of Catholic women will be gathered together online to spend time learning about prayer and actually praying.
Each day of this week long conference, two 20-30 minute presentations will be available to view for anyone who has signed up for the conference. An email reminder will be sent each day. Before viewing the presentation, women are asked to pray the short prayer provided on the webpage where the presentations are accessed. At the end of each presentation, women are asked to pray along with the presenter as he/she closes with prayer.
Ideally, women will set aside time daily to participate. However, this is not necessary. Women are asked to give whatever time they can, knowing that God appreciates all their efforts.
This free, online conference is being brought to you by Heart Ridge Ministries. Formerly, Heart Ridge was Catholic Conference 4 Moms and Women producing similar yearly conferences, now available on Formed. Recently Heart Ridge Ministries has expanded beyond producing video programs for moms and women to developing an actual, physical conference and retreat center in the Blue Ridge Mountains. For more information see their website:
Here are the presentations for the online “Let Us Pray” Conference for Catholic Women:
Praying with Mindfulness with Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, S.T.D.
Praying like the Saints with Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet
Praying in the Midst of Sufferingwith Mary Lenaburg
Praying with Your Temperament with Stephanie Sanders
Praying during the Mass with Dr. Ed Sri
Praying with Mary Dominican Nuns, Sr. Anna Sophia and Sr. Marie Celine
Praying with Little Ones with Katie Warner
Praying while Fasting with Ellen Gable Hrkach
Praying with "Hands Full" with a panel of busy moms (10+ Kids each)
Praying with Gratitude with Dr. Susan Muto
Praying with and for Our Childrenwith Dr. John and Claire Grabowski
Praying the Rosary for Healing with Fr. Dwight Longenecker